Ever wanted to play an instrument? Start with the ukulele -- all you need is an adventurous spirit and we'll teach you the rest! In this lighthearted class, you'll learn how to strum your favorite songs and how to play well with others. All it takes is four easy chords to play thousands of songs. When people play music together or for themselves, magic happens. Let's get you started on your journey as a ukulelian!
Don't have a ukulele? Ukes will be available for rent ($20 for 4 weeks) or for purchase through Clare. Please contact Clare at ukuleleclare@gmail.com, and bring payment to the first class (cash or check).
This class is for adults age 18+. Note: Baritone ukulele chords are not covered in this class.
"Clare is a fantastic teacher and I love her enthusiasm! I'm definitely taking Level 2!"
If you could compare how I began playing the ukulele to a storm, it would make Hurricane Irene look like an April shower. I've been playing the uke since 2011 and currently play in a few bands, get together with my bluegrass friends to play whenever possible, teach group and private lessons, and spend a lot of time noodling and doodling to discover ever more about this wonderful, wee instrument
Clare Innes
No Class Feb 25 & Mar 4
Already started