How would you like to take a trip to Paris, or just refresh your French?
This 10 week class will cover basic vocabulary, greetings, phrases, and what you need to make full sentences or ask questions. We will also work on some strategies that will help you to learn in the future. Through games, songs, videos, storytelling, and humor, you will acquire the language you need to get around if you are traveling or interacting with French speakers while acquiring some culture at the same time. We will be reinforcing class time with some text and written exercises. Please purchase a new copy of the textbook: Easy French Step by Step (McGraw Hill) from Amazon or order from your local bookstore.
This class will meet online. You will receive an email prior to the start date of your class with information on how to participate.
Nikki was raised in a bilingual household. Born in Canada, she grew up just outside of NYC, spending summers in northern Québec with her famille québecoise. She also studied French in the US and at the Université de Rouen, and has a Master’s Degree in Teaching French (MATSL). Shortly after college, her great love for music garnered her the invitation to tour with a French band for 6 months, after which she ended up living in Paris for 14 years, performing with major artists there. In addition to her musical work, she worked as a translation editor, lyric adapter, and still consults for TV, movies, and book adaptations of English works going into French (Really, how to you translate the term “Grey Gardens”).
She has taught students aged 3 to 73, including at the Middlebury-Language Academy, L’Alliance Française, and Norwich University, where she now works in academic support. She also taught French to the VT National Guard so they could deploy to Senegal, and even interpreted for Senegal’s President Sall when he came to meet with Gov. Shumlin in VT. She loves French and thinks you should too!
Nikki Matheson
No Class Apr 21