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5 Results

  • Starting Soon
    Ivan Radic (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Dog Communication & Body-Language

    Through video clips and photographs of dog interactions and body language, Alana Stevenson, dog trainer and behaviorist, and author of Training Your Dog the Humane Way, demonstrates how dogs communicate with people and other dogs. Learn to recognize common appeasement gestures and find out how your body-language and movement can affect dogs on and off-leash. Understand when dogs may shy away or bite, the differences between play and fighting, how to predict conflict at dog parks, and why you should never punish a dog for growling. Time will be allotted for questions after the presentation. This class will meet in person at CVU.
  • Plant Propagation

    This practical workshop offers a broad overview of many different types of vegetative (asexual) plant propagation; crown division, root cuttings, scaling, tip layering, softwood and hardwood cuttings. We will discuss which techniques work best for different species and genera. Come learn how to make more grape, currant, hardy kiwi, mulberry, quince, fig, blueberry, honeyberry, seaberry, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, chive, horseradish, mint, lemon balm, comfrey, daylily, true lily, rhubarb, asparagus, sunchoke, rosemary, lavender, oregano, thyme, and many more. Participants will practice some of these techniques and take home plants in this workshop. This class will meet inside CVU.
  • Liliana Saeb (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    How Dogs Learn - A Behavioral Perspective - ONLINE

    Dominance and being "alpha" over your dog is so old-school. Alana Stevenson, dog trainer and behaviorist, and author of Training Your Dog the Humane Way, reveals how dogs learn and understand the world around them from a behavioral perspective. Learn the significance of association and context learning and pattern-oriented behavior and why it's important to teach your dog with kindness. Find out why popular training approaches often don't work and can be damaging to your dog. Time is allotted for Q&A after the presentation. This class will meet online. Look for an invitation to be sent a day or two before the class starts.
  • Lisa Zins (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Cat Behavior, Communication, & Body Language - A Behavioral Perspective - ONLINE

    In this online 1.5 hour presentation, Alana Stevenson, feline behaviorist and author of The Good Cat Parent's Guide to Feline Behavior Modification shows you how to recognize common feline communication signals so you can better understand and communicate with cats. Learn why cats are often misunderstood and maligned, and why popular training approaches frequently recommended fail to work with cats. When you understand cat psychology, behaviors that were seemingly complex becomes less of a mystery. Photos and video clips of feline body language and inter-cat dynamics will be shared. There will be time after the presentation for Q&A. This class will meet online. Look for an invitation to be sent a day or two before the class starts.
  • Local Food Initiative (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)


    Permaculture is a design science rooted in the observation of natural systems. Join us as we dive into the principles of permaculture and learn how to design ways of living that have the stability and resiliency of natural systems. In this class we focus on positive solutions for creating and managing systems for food, medicine, water, shelter, and more. Permaculture is a multi-disciplinary art form, drawing from the physical sciences, architecture, nutrition, the healing arts, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), and spirituality. The ethical underpinnings that guide permaculture are simple yet powerful: take care of earth, take care of the people, and share the surplus.